Positively Charged Biz
"We are here to Motivate, Inspire and support our listeners as they write their life story"We are a proud founding member of the REAL Disrupt Podcast Collaborative. You can check out more awesome Podcasts at RealDisrupt.com.
Positively Charged Biz
Marisa Williams
Laura Brandao
Season 2
Episode 43
Meet Marisa Williams, she is a believer, wife, mommy, nurse, survivor and a dynamite diva but above all of that she is first and foremost unapologetically Marisa. She believes in the fact that we decide to make everyday what it is great or otherwise and we only get so many days so we must make the most of all of them. Marisa was a guest on my FB Live show "Thrive Thursday" and when she declared that she was a HOPE Dealer I knew that I had to have her on the podcast to share her story with the world. #hopedealer