Positively Charged Biz
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Positively Charged Biz
Michael Daniels
Laura Brandao
Season 2
Episode 41
This week I had the pleasure of meeting Michael Daniels the Founder & CEO of Fayr. Fayr was born out of 2 desires.: to become a better co-parent and to make the experience of co-parenting better. Fayr is an app that encompasses the whole range of co-parenting needs - financial, documentation, geo pinpointing, scheduling communication - for the entire time you-re co-parenting. When Michael was filming "Planet of the Apps" Michae met one of the leading figures in honest, considerate and communicative separations: Gwyneth Paltrow and she immediately identified with and deeply supported Michael's mission to make co-parenting better and Gwyneth is now Fayr's head advisor. Listen in to hear the full story.